SCOM 342 – Argumentation and Advocacy
Contact Information:
Name- Dr. Michael K. Davis
Office – Harrison 2268
Office Hours – Tues-Thurs 3:30-5:00, Wed 3:00-5:00
E-mail: (I am also available via IM through either gmail or aol at davismk13)
Course Structure: This course attempts to engage the study of argumentation on two levels. First, the course examines theories of argumentation and the historical nature of advocacy studies. Because these theories are less useful without concrete application, the second goal of the course is to demonstrate the ways that argumentation theories can be applied to case studies through the use of historical and modern day examples.
Blog 250
Advocacy Project 200
Paper 250
Participation 150
Practicum 150
Grade Scale:
A 940-1000
A- 900-939
B+ 870-899
B 840-869
B- 800-839
C+ 770-799
C 740-769
C- 700-739
D 600-699
F 599 or below
Course Readings:
Blog: Every textbook I looked at for this course was overpriced and incomplete. Thus, readings will be posted on the course blog at Readings (except for the first two weeks) will be placed on the blog two weeks before they are expected to be read.
No Class: There is no class on the following dates; February 10th, March 19th, March 24th, March 26th and March 31st. On days when class is cancelled I still expect you to check the blog for readings and course updates.
Assignment Description:
Paper: Each student will construct a 5 page paper that applies argumentation theory to a case study of the student’s choosing. These are research papers and will require significant use of outside sources. More specific details about the paper will be distributed before the midpoint in the semester.
Participation: I prefer not to lecture all day every day. Thus, I expect significant class participation. Showing up and meaningfully participating daily will earn you 100 points. Failure to show up will earn you zero points. Most people will fall somewhere in between. You can also help your participation grade by posting to the blog. However, participation on the blog will not make up for a lack of participation in the classroom.
Practicum: Former New York Yankees catcher Yogi Berra once said “You can observe a lot by watching.” I believe the same is true of our study of argumentation and advocacy. You will be required to attend five approved events during the course of the semester and post your reactions to these events on the blog. I will post events periodically that I believe illustrate the power of argumentation and advocacy in every day life. There will be events throughout the semester, but you should not wait until the end of the semester to complete them. Some events may be required for all class participants.
Extra Credit: I simply cannot survey all of the events on campus to find those that illuminate the nature of argumentation. You may earn extra credit by sending me a write up on an argumentation event which would be appropriate for the practicum listed above. If I approve the event you will receive five bonus points. You may receive credit for up to four events during the course of the semester.
Blog Assignment: Each student will be responsible for creating a blog on Students are expected to choose a single topic that is important to them and post weekly. This is both a space for you to express your opinions and a place for you to demonstrate the ways that the course readings apply to public controversies in the world around us. Blogs will be graded on their reflection of student’s understanding of course material, inclusion of new or unique views and demonstration of a familiarity of historical and contemporary social movements.
Advocacy Project: In addition to creating a blog related to your issue you will be expected to complete an advocacy project concerning that issue. Your project is a way to use the argumentation and advocacy techniques from class to spread the word about an issue you feel passionate about. Your project should be substantial and be open to a broad audience. More specific guidelines will be handed out during the first two weeks of class.
Other Class Policies:
Attendance: Participation and other missed assignments cannot be made up. Missing a significant number of classes will significantly reduce your final grade.
Special Concerns: If you have any special concerns please let me know as early as possible. This includes students who need assistance through student services and those who will be missing class for university sanctioned events.
Academic Honesty: I will follow JMU’s policy on academic honesty:
“Making references to the work of others strengthens your own work by granting you greater authority and by showing that you are part of a discussion located within an intellectual community. When you make references to the ideas of others, it is essential to provide proper attribution and citation. Failing to do so is considered academically dishonest, as is copying or paraphrasing someone else’s work. The consequences of such behavior will lead to consequences ranging from failure on an assignment to failure in the course to dismissal from the university. Because the disciplines of the Humanities value collaborative work, you will be encouraged to share ideas and to include the ideas of others in your papers. Please ask if you are in doubt about the use of a citation. Honest mistakes can always be corrected or prevented.”
Inclement Weather Policy:
Decisions to close university operations will be made by the President or a designee. If the decision to close is made, announcements will be made on JMU radio station 1610AM, on the JMU Home Page on the World Wide Web and on area radio and television stations.
When it is necessary to cancel classes due to weather or other emergency, we will hold class electronically, using. Blackboard. Please check Blackboard if class is cancelled for assignments.
Additionally, the university may be forced to cancel or reschedule final examinations. Decisions to close university operations will be made by the President, or a designee. If the decision to close the university and reschedule final examinations is made, announcements will be made as noted above.
When the university closes due to weather or other type of emergency, faculty will administer regularly scheduled examinations at a time designated by the university. The official make up time will be designated as part of the closing announcement. Unless otherwise notified, examination locations will be the same as the location for the regularly scheduled exam.
If it is determined that exams cannot be given because of inclement weather or other emergency, faculty will assign final grades to students based on the exams, tests and projects completed prior to the regularly scheduled exam date.
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