Sunday, April 5, 2009

Paper Guidelines

Argumentation and Advocacy Paper Guidelines

Paper Topics

1. Choose any issue related to your public controversy. This controversy should be one with a significant discussion either in the media, academic press or on the internet.

2. Choose a particular argument or set of arguments within that controversy. Outline the arguments for a particular proposition. Some of these arguments will require a explanation of the opposing point of view.

3. Use one of the theories from the first half of the course (argument structures, public sphere, debate, argumentative fallacies, etc.) to critique the argument you have outlined. You should make sure you answer the following during this critique:

a. Is the argument a good one?

b. Why or why not?

Paper Guidelines

  1. The paper should by 5-10 pages long.
  2. Use a normal font with 12 point font. People love to use weird fonts. I don’t love it when you do.
  3. Don’t mess with the margins. I will not be impressed by a ten page paper with 3 inch margins.
  4. I don’t care what type of citations you use. Just make sure it is a recognized method and that you use the same method throughout the paper.
  5. Please use page numbers
  6. You do not have to include a title page. You may if you prefer, but you do not have to.
  7. Papers are due May 2nd by 2:00pm. Papers turned in after that time are considered late.

1 comment:

baskerme said...

Do we need to clear the topic with you? Is it ok if people in the class do the same topic or would you like everyone to do a different issue?