Tuesday, April 21, 2009


A representative from the Terry Mcauliffe campaign will be speaking at our house this Saturday from 4-6. The house party is at 459 N. Liberty St. There will be light snacks and drinks. Plus you get to see where I live.

1 comment:

Dylan said...

I enjoyed the Terry Mcauliffe presentation. The chicken salad was especially good.

The primary thing that I noticed was the inclusive type of community rhetoric both from the attendants and the speaker. community members used their language to identify themselves as such, as well as identify themselves as active Democrats. I believe that this type of language was used primarily to identify themselves as active supporters who had "proved" themselves.

I also heard the same type of rhetoric and argument strategy from the speaker who stressed often that his candidate's goals would require a "team" effort. while there were various details given about the economic platform, his primary persuasive goal was to encourage action and participation.

I did notice several times during his speech where he made it clear that he was trying to avoid ad hominem attacks on his candidate's democratic and republican opponents.

~Dylan Fawcett